We met up with a cou­ple, Al and Terry from Dream Stage, that we had met and talked to at Bay Port Marina in Oril­lia. They joined us for drinks after din­ner at the Big Chute Marina and we were given a fried but­ter tart from the chef to try.  OMG, it was absolutely wild…a but­ter tart, deep fried, with ice cream, whipped cream and choco­late sauce.  It’s his new menu item niche.  We walked back to the boat in the absolute pitch dark feel­ing our way around the pic­nic tables that took up most of the width of the dock.
Now we were off to Lock 45, Sev­ern Lock and the last lock of the Trent-Severn.  We tied up for the night on the upper lock wall.  We walked the area, saw a cou­ple of restau­rants, the water­fall and had lunch at This Damn Grill.  While eat­ing, I saw a woman try­ing to tie up to the lock wall from an express cruiser and fall into the water.  Since we were across the water, by the time that I got out­side to yell to the lock staff, the cap­tain was pulling her onto the swim­step.  Makes you remem­ber to always be care­ful, not hurry and don’t lean out over the water.  She could have really got­ten hurt between the boat and the wall.  Reports from staff said that she was okay but a lit­tle cold and wet.DSCN8220
Three beau­ti­ful objects…Ken, SSIII and flowers !
DSCN8223We had a very nice din­ner at the Inn at Christie Mill with another beau­ti­ful view over the water.  Tonight we man­aged to walk back and get ice cream with enough light to see our way back to the boat.
We made the first lock-thru, Lock 45, in the morn­ing and headed out through the nar­row and sharp angled Potato Chan­nel into Sev­ern Sound.
We were some­what sad know­ing that we were through with this sec­tion of the Loop.  It was a lot of work but extremely inter­est­ing and won­der­ful.  We met lots of inter­est­ing peo­ple and the Parks Canada lock staff were great ambas­sadors for Canada.  This was some of the more beau­ti­ful scenery.… more remote with fewer houses and the rock for­ma­tions were spectacular.
We arrived at Bay Port Yacht­ing Cen­ter early in the day.  This is a nice marina close to the town of Mid­land.  Ken got a ride from one of the own­ers, Mrs. McDon­ald, back to Oril­lia to pick up the rental car that would take us home the next day.  I walked into town to check it out and found a town full of his­toric murals and small shops.  We met up with Al and Terry from Dream Stage and all went to din­ner at Henry’s Fish House…great fish and chips again with a lot great con­ver­sa­tion on all of our com­mon inter­ests.  We went back to their boat for a drink, then home to get to bed early so that we could take off in the morn­ing.  (We did stop in Port Huron on the way home to check it out.….okay.)